The Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation | Jamestown, NY

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New Grant Program Announced

The Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation has established a separate and new grant program called the Strategic Partnership and Restructuring Grant Program, to encourage Not-for-Profit Organizations who deliver programming in southern Chautauqua County to re-imagine their work through collaboration, partnerships and even merger and acquisition with other not-for-profit organizations. This grant program will award funding to support boards and staff in exploring, negotiating, and executing strategic partnerships or corporate restructuring between two or more organizations.


Local philanthropy supports not-for-profit organizations that provide needed services to our community. This work has always been challenging, but the COVID-19 pandemic has further threatened the stability and sustainability of many not-for-profit organizations. This grant will provide funding to support leaders in the difficult work of adapting their organizations to best meet needs of our area.


This program is open to Chautauqua County not-for-profit organizations in good standing with the IRS and NYS.  Public/Private partnerships will be considered.

What Activities Will be Funded?

We will fund Assessment, Exploration (Feasibility), Negotiation and Implementation for:

  • Partnerships: Joint Programming, Joint Earned Income Ventures, Administration Consolidation, and Shared Facilities

  • Strategic Restructuring: Mergers, Parent-Subsidiary Structures, Joint Venture Corporations, Management Service Organizations, and Dissolutions 

What Can Grant Funds Be Used For?

  • Technical Assistance, Consultation, Facilitation, Legal and Fiscal review and support for Pre-Negotiation, Negotiation and developing Implementation Plans.

  • Expenses associated with the implementation of a new Partnership or organizational restructuring.

Grant Funds cannot be used for Capital Expenses for equipment or facility renovations to implement a partnership or restructured organization(s). Please apply to our quarterly traditional grant program for these expenses.


This grant program is independent of the traditional quarterly grant program of the Sheldon Foundation. Applicants may apply to one or both Sheldon grant programs in any given year. Strategic Partnership and Restructuring Grant Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Co-applicants shall choose one organization that will serve as the lead applicant for the purpose of submitting the grant application and acting as the fiduciary for any funds awarded. 

There are two steps to the application process found on under the Sheldon Foundation Section. Step-one is the submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI).  If the LOI merits further consideration and demonstrates a project has the potential to deliver positive impact, the applicant will be asked to complete a full application, also available on the website. Award decisions will be made promptly.